Welcome to Social Studies 11

This blog has been created to keep us connected. Throughout the course this will serve as a tool for us to communicate with each other. We will host online discussions, post links to useful and interesting media, and create a space for you to post comments, questions or concerns.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb 2 - Welcome!

Hi D-Block,

Welcome to the blog. This is going to be an important tool for us this semester. I hope it is a way we can open up communication and really make this class as democratic as possible.

Feel free to explore the links on the side bar. If you know of any interesting websites that are relevant to our current unit or the course in general feel free to send them to me and I will post them up. The website will constantly be updated with information on assignments, class notes and power points, key vocab etc. I'll let you know in class about any significant updates, but check the website often to keep up to date.

What I need you to do is comment on this post. Just leave your name so I know you can access the site and comment. 

-Mr. Miller