Welcome to Social Studies 11

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Comment Assignment - Social Justice Essay Topics

Hi D-Block,

Comment here with your idea for an essay topic. Don't worry if you are doing something the same or similar to other students, that is to be expected.

If you are stuck for ideas think about Social Justice issues we've discussed in class.
      Equality Rights
      Democratic issues
      Issues in media
      Class struggles

I'm looking forward to seeing what you are interested in.
Have a good weekend,
-Mr. Miller


  1. Equality Rights - Teenagers should have the right to vote! It's not fair how there's a certain age to vote.

  2. Consumerism/environmentalism-marijuana should be legalized. Taxes should be put on it to buy & sell.

  3. Enviromentalism - There are waytoo many new products that are a total waste of this planets resources, and that people are abusing the rights to have these these things byusing it so much that it hurts the atmosphere.

  4. Poverty - the government should do something about the high poverty rate in Vancouver and the lower mainland.

  5. Equality Rights-- Every one should be treated equally, no matter male or female.

  6. The media: The media is a huge influence in the lives of many impressionable people. Usually the main people targeted are youth and kids. They are taught on how life should be as well as how they should think. This is a form of brainwashIng and it's not right.

  7. equality rights. woman are just as capible of doing the same work as men

  8. Equality Right - discrimination against homosexuals. The government legalized gay marriage but is that really showing they think its okay? People all over Canada still think its okay to discriminate against homosexuals.

  9. Enviromentalism - we should protect water from pollution.

  10. nazeef a k a junior fineeApril 13, 2010 at 9:26 AM

    Environtalism- growing marijuana and using hemp products

  11. Fight crime- Fighting justice whats right, whats wrong.

  12. Thesis Statement:
    The Canadian government should improve their ways of helping the homeless in Vancouver.
    (My topic is "Local Poverty" by the way)

  13. Thesis:
    Our Earth is gradually becoming more damaged day by day because of human activities such as transportation, agriculture, and industries that produce air pollution. The government has been trying to help our Earth develop into a much cleaner environment.However, some of these methods could be improved to ensure that our Earth is free from such harmful activities.

    This is pretty much what I'm going to base my essay on. It'll probably be my introduction & i'll add on to it :)

  14. Thesis statement:
    Taxes should be placed on marijuana for the consumer to buy and sell the product.

  15. Topic: There should be no reason to have gangs and violences anywhere.

    Thesis: Many children are influenced by people older than them, especially young adults that are related to them in some way. Violence in school, out in the public, and at home cause nothing but bad examples and unessesary drama amongst themselfs. Therefor preventions towards violence is very nesseary in our world today. And a world without violence is a world that everyone can live with :)

  16. Thesis:
    Teenagers have an opinion in what happens to their future and so they should have the right to vote.

  17. Thesis:
    animals are miss treated every day in cosmetic labs and it is unfair. There is a law against animal cruilty and abuse, so why isn't there a law aginst animal testing, for potenitaly harmful products. If you wouldn't test it on a human you shouldn't test it on an animal.

  18. Equality Rights. Racism - Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns.

  19. Equality rights on special needs when they get out of high school.

  20. Thesis:
    Fraser river should be pretected in many situations. Not only should we cut down the pollution, but the protections of the fishes, branches, and surrounding area are important.

  21. topic: enviornmentalism

    thesis: the way we live today will effect the generations to come.

  22. topic: enviornmentalism

    thesis: the way we live today will effect the future generations.

  23. Egocentric Celebrities: Celebrities could be spending their money on the hunger and homeless instead of having the world revolve around them. Example, Justin Timberlake has many cars that cost a lot of money. What else do you think he could've done with that money?

    Thesis Statement: Many celebrities are seen today as self-centered people with little regards for others. They should be told to spend their money wisely on things that matter most than just their selves.

  24. how chemical pollution polute canada(esp for lakes)

  25. Socialism/Proverty - Compare Brazil to Canada, in Brazil the government dont take care of the poor people. Canada takes better care of poor people than Brazil.

  26. Equality Rights- Gender and racial discrimination. The amount of discrimination against teens, women, and even men are needed to be made better. Canada is good with taking care of racial discrimination but yet there is a lot going around.
